
Deleting these items might affect your constraints.

Deleting this page might affect your constraints.

Deselecting this page might affect your constraints.

Do you want to enable the local page number?

Unselecting this page affects your constraints. Still do it?

Number of vertices:
Number of edges:

Would you like to compute the linear layout of this graph?

Or would you like to save the graph beforehand?

Would you like to compute the linear layout of this graph?
What would you like to do?
For some reason our server could not process this request.

Be sure to save your graph and try again later.
Specify a name below

Min degree:
Max degree:
Define the server url:

This system aims at automating the procedure of computing different types of linear layouts of graphs under a set of user-specific constraints. The system has been developed using jQuery (including jQuery UI, ColorPicker and TagIt) in conjunction with yFiles for HTML under an academic license, which restricts the usage of the system for strictly non-commercial purposes only (research, teaching, university projects, courses and application development).